It’s difficult for me to fully articulate and narrow down the memories I have with my dad. With him living away for the majority of the time I’ve been old enough to actually remember, my memories are different than the typical day-to-day interactions usually associated with fathers and sons. That said, while we may have had less time together, he was always one to make sure that the time we did have was spent the best way it could be. Whether it was the simple things like golfing on Sundays (with cheese dogs and Vanilla Cokes at the turn), going to movies (where he insisted on buying vouchers with his credit card at the box office – convinced that the snack bar didn’t take credit cards), or watching sports on TV (while constantly quizzing me on where each player went to college). Or the bigger things, like playing Pebble Beach (and birdying hole #7), skiing in Park City (which my brother cut short by selfishly breaking his arm going down a bunny slope), going to Germany for the World Cup (U.S. lost 3-0 to the Czech Republic), or taking me to Foxboro to see the Patriots play on my 22nd birthday (Pats won, obviously). He always maximized the time he spent with me. And when he wasn’t with me, I knew that what he was doing was for me and he was always a phone call away to help with whatever I needed (any time, any place).
Rather than a specific time or experience, of which there are many, the thing I remember most about my Dad was his consistent and earnest belief in me and true desire for me to experience the best life I could. He sacrificed to provide me with experiences and opportunities that he did not have (and couldn’t even dream of when he was younger) and with that, came a steady hand to both guide and to push me to earn it. He showed me what was out there and how to work to get it. He was my biggest fan, a selfless role model and I’m extremely proud to be his son. It’s very tough knowing he’s not going be there behind me anymore but I will always hear is voice in my head and I will continue to carry his love and try to live up to him every day.
I love and I miss him so much.